
Tuesday, 20 November 2012

OK Code values in Sap

Direct call of transactions, session handling 

/nxxxx This terminates the current transaction, and starts transaction xxxx

/n This terminates the transaction. This generally corresponds to pressing F15 to go back.

/nend This terminates all separate sessions and logs off (corresponds to System - Logoff

/nex This terminates all separate sessions and logs off immediately (without any warning!)

/oxxxx This opens a new session and starts transaction xxxx in This session.

/o This lists existing sessions and allows deletion or opening of a new session.

/i This terminates the current session (corresponds to System End

/i1, /i2,... This terminates the session with the number given.

Batch input. The following commands can be entered in correction mode ('Process in foreground' or 'Display errors only') when processing a batch input session

/n This terminates the current batch input transaction and characterizes it as

/bdel This deletes the current batch input transaction.

/bend This terminates batch input processing and sets the session to Failed

/bda This switches from Display errors only to Process in foreground

/bde This switches from Process in foreground to Display errors only


/$SYNC This resets all buffers of the application server

/$CUA This resets the CUA buffer of the application server

/$TAB This resets the TABLE buffers of the application server

/$NAM This resets the nametab buffer of the application server

/$DYNP This resets the screen buffer of the application server

/*xxxx starts transaction xxxx and skips the first screen. So, it has the same effect as /nxxxx followed by ENTER.

=xxxx This entry is still possible for compatibility reasons, but is no longer supported.

%sc Searches character patterns in lists

%pc Downloads lists

%pri Prints lists

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