
Monday, 11 August 2014

SAP CRM Middleware

Concept of SAP CRM Middleware - Business Documents 

First of all stands the generation information, which is often a nightmare when you have quiet a few changes with the bdoc.

find the above screen.
Transaction code SMWP - Sap middleware cockpit.

we will go to one by one.
just double click on the status of generation process will take to you transaction GENSTATUS. This is help to you monitor the current generation status in the system.

Generation Structures:- is exclusive this transaction alone where you can see the status of the bdoc segment generation, the successfully once and the segments with errors.

Generation of the runtime objects:- this also exclusive here which list down the status of each bdoc based on the runtime object of the bdoc. the runtime objects includes the function group and module relevant for the bdoc type ( generate module of inbound adapter, outbound adapter, rejection service, cdb etc).

Replication object for industry:- gives the generation status of runtime objects related to the replication of objects per specified industry.

the runtime objects include the lookup table, data collector and replication & realignment modules.

Publication per industry:- gives the generation status of runtime objects related to the publication and inter linkages for specific industry.

Business tasks:- now that you have all set and ready with the generation all green , you may want to check whether the system has begun to run properly.

Runtime information Provides all neccessary details.

Message Processing active:- takes you transaction MW_MODE which help you to check whether middleware processing or can activate and deactivate the bdoc processing in the system.

Data exchanging with QRFC quoes:- 
this is the probably the item like most. you have compressive monitoring of all the queues relevant in the Crm system organization in 2 sections.

QRfc queus in the CRM server:-

DAta exchange with R/3 backend:- You should know that load from ERP/ECC
to crm are always initiated from crm. the initiated done via outbound queue.
ex:- (R3AI*, R3AR*).

Loads from R/3 backend:- they are occasion when want to send data from crm to ecc they queue are usually r3au*.

Data Exchange with mobile clients:

Data exchange is always initiated from the Mobile client via the tool ConnTrans.

Loads for Mobile clients: Any data exchange from CRM to a laptop is done via an outbound queue. These are usually CRM_SITE* queues.
Loads for Mobile clients: Any data exchange from a laptop to CRM is done via an inbound queue. These are usually CRM_SITE* queues

CRM Server Internal Queue:
Start queue for loads to CDB:-
Even though CDB is only a logical separation within a CRM system for serving as a Consolidated DB for the laptops, it is best to consider it as a separate system when we talk about the loads and data exchange. So, just as with ERP/ECC, loads involving CRM and CDB are always initiated from CRM via an outbound queue. This outbound queue will have the destination NONE to represent the CRM system because the CRM is the data source here. The queues are usually CDBI*

Initial load of crm server
fter successful initiation of the load from CRM to CDB, the actual data gets populated in inbound queues which are usually CRI*CDBI.

Other queues of CRM server

Send queues of CRM server applications -- Ever wondered how the CRM 
Middleware manages to send all the changes that is made in CRM system exactly in order? The secret is the CSA* inbound queues. For any change that is happening at the CRM system, a CSA* inbound queue is written which acts as a reminder/log to be processed for data distribution. This is processed asynchronous to the actual data change, which ends up in generating the actual data transfer queue to the connected systems. The asynchronous nature actually makes sure your CRM application keeps running ‘completely’ independent of data exchange.
Start queues for Loads to External systems -- If you are making use of this, you are already a master of CRM Middleware. These are the queues meant for any external system (special system configured as EXT) from/to which you want to initiate load. The queues are usually EXT*.

qRFC queues in R/3 Backbends

Loads for CRM server
This takes you directly to transaction SMQ1 (outbound queue monitor) of the connected ERP/ECC system. This will let you see if there are any failures in the ERP/ECC system that are preventing the load (R3AI*) or the delta change (R3AD*) from flowing to CRM

Adapter Status information

Initial load status

Tcode is R3AM1 which lets you see if they are any load in Waiting , Running, abort or done status.
Request Status

Tcode is R3AR3 which lets you see if they are any request status
Parameters in R/3 Backbends
This will list down all the connected ERP systems.
It will let you login to the ERP systems directly (provided the SM59 user is a dialog user).
It will take you to ERP SM30 for CRMRFCPAR table which has the settings to control the flow from ERP to CRM in ERP.
The other customizing settings controlling the ERP to CRM communication can be found in CRMPAROLTP table in ERP via “Entries in table CRMPAROLTP”.

 Replication & Realignment queues  R&R queue Daemon

This will take you to transaction SMOHQUEUE which lets you control the queue daemon for the processing of the R&R entries for the mobile clients (laptops – CRM_SITE* queues).
Status of R & R queues
Each R & R queue’s status is reflected here. If you see any failure, each of the entries will take you to SMOHQUEUE from where you can see detailed error information and take corrective action.

Bdoc messages in the flow

Messages in error status

This will take you to transaction SMW01 showing the Bdoc in Error status (RED E*).
Messages waiting for response from backend systems
This will take you to transaction SMW01 showing the Bdoc in Intermediate state waiting for a response from ERP (YELLOW I02).

Number of sites per site type

There are several different ‘type’ of systems that CRM Middleware ‘understands’ and here at this element, you can monitor and administer, physical or logical systems for each of those types. Every entry will take you to transaction SMOEAC from where you can administer all the properties of a given type and system.
The Runtime information and System settings are all fine and the system has been running well. Now, you want to gauge the performance of the system and look for ways to improve it – Monitoring tools/Statistics will let you collect such information with which you can take decisions on improving performance of CRM Middleware.

Bdoc type/Bdoc service Workload statistics

This will take you to transaction SMWMFLOW which will let you access Kernel statistics and also queue performance statistics at Bdoc level and queue level (Bdoc message flow processing statistics).

Mobile client communication statistics

This will take you to transaction SMWMCOMM to monitor the communication between CRM and Mobile clients (Laptops) by statistics collected at the Communication station. This will let you view the statistics for a given time period, a given Mobile client, data sent or received and also will let you see if there were failures during communication.

Status of CRM Middleware alert Monitor

This element will consolidate the alerts from the CRM Middleware’s collection of alerts and monitors under the system wide monitoring CCMS setup (transaction RZ20). This will also take you to the section of CRM Middleware alerts so that you can view them in detail.

Trace status

This element takes you to transaction SMWTAD with which you can enable traces at different stages of Middleware processing and can view those traces via transaction SMWT.
There are several batch jobs for CRM Middleware which should be running to have statistics collected regarding communication and execution of queue entries. There is an element to monitor all such monitoring jobs and collector jobs – Background jobs.

Middleware Reorganization

As important as collecting statistics and monitoring information is the reorganization of such information regularly. There is a background job to reorganize all Middleware related monitoring information and traces (including Bdoc monitors). The job MW_REORG* is with report SMO6_REORG2 and this element shows the status of that job.

Collector for Monitoring Cockpit

The information shown in SMWP by itself has to be collected periodically and there is a background job to do that. The job SAP_MW_COCKPIT_COLLECTOR* is with report SMWP_BATCH.

Collector for BDoc Message/Site statistics

The statistics that you see in SMWMFLOW are collected with job - RSMWM_BSTAT_COLLECTOR report RSMWM_BSTAT_COLLECTOR.

Check Generation status of objects

There is a background job to check the generation status periodically – job MW_CHECK_P, report GN_GENERATE_CHECK

Periodical Background generation

In a development environment it is good to have the generation triggered at regular intervals to make sure all the design time and runtime objects are consistent. To do this, there is a job MW_GENERATE_P, report GN_WORKLIST_GENERATE.

Administration Console Subscription Agent

If you are using “Subscription agents” for your Mobile clients (laptops) to have the subscriptions generated periodically, the job corresponding to it is SMOE_SUBSCRIPTION_AGENT*, report SMOE_SUBSCR_AGENT_EXECUTE_JOB.

Administration Console Site Scheduling

When using Mobile clients (laptops), there may be occasions when you want to activate or deactivate them during a defined period of time. This can be done with Job SMOE_SCHEDULING* and report SMOE_SCHEDULING_EXECUTE_JOB.
This completes a summary of all you can see and do with SMWP. The idea is to consolidate all the data in one transaction making it easy for the CRM Middleware administrator. 

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

SAP Business Cycle

Customer Enquiry                                                             


    Quotation Acceptance

Customer Purchase Order

1) Create Sales Order (VA01)
     Change Sales Order (VA02)
     Display Sales Order (VA03)

2) Create Bill of Material (CS01)
     Change Bill of Material (CS02)
     Display Bill of Material (CS03)
     List of Missing Bill of Material 

3) Create Material Routing (CA01)
     Change Material Routing (CA02)
     Display Material Routing (CA03)
     List of Missing Routing 

4) MRP Run (MD01)
     MRP Run Single Item Multi Level (MD02)
     MRP Run Single Item Single Level (MD03)
     Displayed Planned Order (MD16)

5) Create Production Order (CO01)
     Change Production Order (CO02)
     Display Production Order (CO03)
     Production Order Information System (COOIS)
     Production Order Confirmation (CO11)
     Display Production Order Confirmation (CO14)
     Cancel Production Order Confirmation (CO13)

6) Material Issue against Prod. Order (CO27)
     Mass Prod. Order Techo (COHV)
     Material issue against Prod. Order 

7) Create Purchase Requisition (ME51N)
     Change Purchase Requisition (ME52N)
     Display Purchase Requisition (ME53N)
     List Display of Purchase Requisition (ME5A)
     Individual release for PR (ME54)
     Create Purchase Order (ME21N)
     Change Purchase Order (ME22N)
     Display Purchase Order (ME23N)
     Display Purchase Order by Vendor (ME2L)

     Create Purchasing Info Record (ME11)
     Display Purchasing Info Record (ME13)
     Create Physical Inventory (MI01)
     Display Physical Inventory (MI03)
     Stock Overview (MMBE)
     List of Material Document (MB51)
     Display Source List (ME03)
     Display Reservation (MB23)
     Enter Incoming Invoice (MIRO)
     Goods Receipt (Movement) (MIGO)
     Material Issue against Prod. Order (MB1A)
     Material Transfer Posting (MB1B)
     Other Material Goods Receipt (MB1C)


give me your suggestions.

Sap SD Tcodes & Tables

SAP SD Transaction codes

        XD01    Create Customer (Centrally)
        XD02    Change Customer (Centrally)
        XD03    Display Customer (Centrally)
        XD04    Customer Changes (Centrally)
        XD05    Block customer (centrally)
        XD06    Mark customer for deletion (centr.)
        XD07    Change Customer Account Group
        XD99    Customer master mass maintenance
        XDN1    Maintain Number Ranges (Customer)
        XEIP    Number range maintenance: EXPIMP
        XK01    Create vendor (centrally)
        XK02    Change vendor (centrally)
        XK03    Display vendor (centrally)
        XK04    Vendor Changes (Centrally)
        XK05    Block Vendor (Centrally)
        XK06    Mark vendor for deletion (centrally)
        XK07    Change vendor account group
Sales Order
        VA00    Initial Sales Menu
        VA01    Create Sales Order
        VA02    Change Sales Order
        VA03    Display Sales Order
        VA05    List of Sales Orders
        VA07    Compare Sales – Purchasing (Order)
        VA08    Compare Sales – Purchasing (Org.Dt.)
        VA11    Create Inquiry
        VA12    Change Inquiry
        VA13    Display Inquiry
        VA14L   Sales Documents Blocked for Delivery
        VA15    Inquiries List
        VA21    Create Quotation
        VA22    Change Quotation
        VA23    Display Quotation
        VA25    Quotations List
        VA26    Collective Processing for Quotations
        VA41    Create Contract
        VA42    Change Contract
        VA42W   Workflow for master contract
        VA43    Display Contract
        VA44    Actual Overhead: Sales Order
        VA45    List of Contracts
        VA46    Coll.Subseq.Processing f.Contracts
Item Proposal
        VA51    Create Item Proposal
        VA52    Change Item Proposal
        VA53    Display Item Proposal
        VA55    List of Item Proposals
        VA88    Actual Settlement: Sales Orders
Delivery (Outbound)
        VL00    Shipping
        VL01    Create Delivery
        VL01N   Create Outbound Dlv. with Order Ref.
        VL01NO Create Outbound Dlv. w/o Order Ref.
        VL02    Change Outbound Delivery
        VL02N   Change Outbound Delivery
        VL03    Display Outbound Delivery
        VL03N   Display Outbound Delivery
        VL04    Process Delivery Due List
        VL06    Delivery Monitor
        VL06C   List Outbound Dlvs for Confirmation
        VL06D   Outbound Deliveries for Distribution
        VL06F   General delivery list – Outb.deliv.
        VL06G   List of Oubound Dlvs for Goods Issue
        VL06I   Inbound Delivery Monitor
        VL06IC  Confirmation of put away inb. deliv.
        VL06ID  Inbound Deliveries for Distribution
        VL06IF  Selection inbound deliveries
        VL06IG  Inbound deliveries for goods receipt
        VL06IP  Inbound deliveries for putaway
        VL06L   Outbound Deliveries to be Loaded
        VL06O   Outbound Delivery Monitor
        VL06P   List of Outbound Dlvs for Picking
        VL06T   List Outbound Dlvs (Trans. Planning)
        VL06U   List of Uncheckd Outbound Deliveries
        VL08    Confirmation of Picking Request
        VL09    Cancel Goods Issue for Delivery Note
        VL10    Edit User-specific Delivery List
        VL10A   Sales Orders Due for Delivery
        VL10B   Purchase Orders Due for Delivery
Customer management
        FD01    Create Customer (Accounting)
        FD02    Change Customer (Accounting)
        FD02CORE        Maintain customer
        FD03    Display Customer (Accounting)
        FD04    Customer Changes (Accounting)
        FD05    Block Customer (Accounting)
        FD06    Mark Customer for Deletion (Acctng)
        FD08    Confirm Customer Individually (Actng)
        FD09    Confirm Customer List (Accounting)
        FD10    Customer Account Balance
        FD10N   Customer Balance Display
        FD10NA  Customer Bal. Display with Worklist
        FD10NET Customer Balance Display
        FD11    Customer Account Analysis
        FD15    Transfer customer changes: send
        FD16    Transfer customer changes: receive
        FD24    Credit Limit Changes
        FD32    Change Customer Credit Management
        FD33    Display Customer Credit Management
        FD37    Credit Management Mass Change
        V/03    Create Condition Table (SD Price)
        V/04    Change Condition Table (Sales pr.)
        V/05    Display Condition Table: (Sales Pr.)
        V/06    Condition Categories: SD Pricing
        V/07    Maintain Access (Sales Price)
        V/08    Conditions: Procedure for A V
        V/09    Condition Types: Account Determin.
        V/10    Account Determination: Access Seqnc
        V/11    Conditions: Account Determin.Proced.
        V/12    Account Determination: Create Table
        V/13    Account Determination: Change Table
        V/14    Account Determination: Display Table
        CS00    BOM Menu
        CS01    Create Material BOM
        CS02    Change Material BOM
        CS03    Display Material BOM
        CS05    Change Material BOM Group
        CS06    Display Material BOM Group
        CS07    Allocate Material BOM to Plant
        CS08    Change Material BOM – Plant Alloc.
        CS09    Display Allocations to Plant
        CS11    Display BOM Level by Level
        CS12    Multilevel BOM
        CS13    Summarized BOM
        CS14    BOM Comparison
        CS15    Single-Level Where-Used List
        CS20    Mass Change: Initial Screen
        CS21    Mass Material Change: Initial Screen
        CS22    Mass Document Change: Initial Screen
        CS23    Mass Class Change: Initial Screen
        CS25    Archiving for BOMs
        CS26    BOM deletion
        CS27    Retrieval of BOMs
        CS28    Archiving for BOMs
        CS31    Create class BOM
        CS32    Change class BOM
        CS33    Display class BOM
        CS40    Create Link to Configurable Material
        CS41    Change Material Config. Allocation
        CS42    Display Material Config. Assignment
        CS51    Create standard BOM
        CS52    Change standard BOM
        CS53    Display standard BOM
        CS61    Create Order BOM
        CS62    Change Order BOM
        CS63    Display Order BOM
        CS71    Create WBS BOM
        CS72    Change WBS BOM
        CS73    Display WBS BOM
        CS74    Create multi-level WBS BOM
        CS75    Change multi-level WBS BOM
        CS76    Display multi-level WBS BOM
        CS80    Change Documents for Material BOM
        CS81    Change Documents for Standard BOM
        CS82    Change documents for sales order BOM
        CS83    Change documents for WBS BOM
        CS84    Change documents for class BOM
        CS90    Material BOM Number Ranges
        CS91    Number Ranges for Standard BOMs
        CS92    Number Ranges for Sales Order BOMs
SAP SD tables
 Table           Description
  KNA1          General Data
  KNB1          Customer Master – Co. Code Data (payment method, reconciliation acct)
KNB4             Customer Payment History
KNB5             Customer Master – Dunning info
KNBK             Customer Master Bank Data
KNKA             Customer Master Credit Mgmt.
KNKK             Customer Master Credit Control Area Data (credit limits)
KNVV             Sales Area Data (terms, order probability)
KNVI             Customer Master Tax Indicator
KNVP             Partner Function key
KNVD            Output type
KNVS            Customer Master Ship Data
KLPA            Customer/Vendor Link
VBAKUK VBAK + VBUK   Sales Documents
VBUK                Header Status and Administrative Data
VBAK                    Sales Document – Header Data
VBKD                    Sales Document – Business Data
VBUP                      Item Status
VBAP                   Sales Document – Item Data
VBPA                    Partners
VBFA                  Document Flow
VBEP                Sales Document Schedule Line
VBBE                Sales Requirements: Individual Records
SD Delivery Document
LIPS              Delivery Document item data, includes referencing PO
LIKP              Delivery Document Header data
Billing Document
VBRK              Billing Document Header
VBRP              Billing Document Item
SD Shipping Unit
VEKP               Shipping Unit Item (Content)
VEPO              Shipping Unit Header

give me your suggestions.